24 April
Image by Jay La

Arts Law Farewells Bibi Barba

This month we farewelled valued staff member Bibi Barba from the Arts Law Centre of Australia (Arts Law).

Bibi joined Arts Law in 2017 to take up the role of Artists in the Black coordinator and has been a valued member of the team since. Her energy and enthusiasm for Arts Law and Artists in the Black contributed to our success and her outstanding contribution is very much appreciated. 

In her role as Artists in the Black Coordinator, Bibi visited communities across Australia working with First Nations artists and art centres in education and advocacy. Bibi, alongside Arts Law CEO, Robyn Ayres, represented Arts Law at the International Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (the IGC) of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland and Bibi read the Uluru Statement from the Heart to an international audience.

Bibi left to focus on her thriving art business. We wish Bibi all the very best in her future endeavours.

The main contact person for all enquiries regarding Artists in the Black program will now be our Artists in the Black Paralegal, Sharna White. Her email is [email protected].