Arts Law Helps Create NSW on the New Public Art Toolkit

Create NSW have released their new NSW Public Art Toolkit. The toolkit was developed in consultation with several peak bodies and services organisations, including Arts Law. We worked with Create NSW to ensure the kit follows best practice and protects artists’ rights.
The Public Art Toolkit has been designed to help local government or other government agencies to implement best practice when planning and carrying out public art projects. If you are looking to develop a public art project, this user-friendly guide will take you through the process and direct you to other useful resources.
The toolkit also has resources that may be helpful to artists who have been asked to produce work for a public art commission. It explains the commissioning process, how artists rights like copyright and moral rights should be dealt with and what happens if the work needs to be removed.
The toolkit also contains links to some of our useful contract templates and info sheets. You can find more resources like these on our website.
Read more about the toolkit here:
NAVA, the National Association for the Visual Arts, has recently published its new Code of Practice for visual arts, craft and design. It includes information on public art commissions which is also worth considering if you are engaged in this kind of commission. It also includes a handy checklist. See the code on their website here: