Finding Utopia (and Town Camp)

Connecting with artists offline can often be vital in providing legal advice and education, particularly for those living remotely.

Thinking Out Loud (About Copyright Infringement)

What is the line between inspiration and copying? Homage and plagiarism? As a musician you want to be able to create freely, following your intuitions about what sounds good and feels right. But you also don’t want your work, which you have poured your heart into, to be ripped off by other artists. The law … Continued

Ashna is All Aboard Arts Law!

Beginning her journey at the University of Central Florida, Ashna Govil’s journey to Arts Law can seem a strange one. However, passions for the arts and law has proven a guiding light.

Broaching the Kimberley

Arts Law’s CEO, along with volunteer lawyers, visited the Kimberley to connect with artists and provide advice around Broome and Derby.

Joined by Jess!

Arts Law has proved particularly relevant to our new Paralegal’s interests, with music mixing and ceramics, alongside hiking, filling her spare time.

Get to Know Eliza Ronan!

Alongside dabbling in copyright law, Eliza is particularly interested in defamation law, and enjoyed spending a majority of her previous role as an associate researching the topic.

Help Us Tackle the Big Issues of Tomorrow

Supporting Australia’s artists is vital to protect the vibrancy, history, and story of our nation. We understand that with the cost of living going up, donations can be a big ask. At Arts Law though, every dollar donated goes toward helping grow our impact – and no amount donated goes unappreciated. “With Arts Law’s help, … Continued