There are 2970 Reasons to Donate to Arts Law this EOFY

A graphic featuring photos of Arts Law's lawyers and volunteers working with artists whilst on outreach to remote communities.
Photo 1: Donna Robinson with artist Maath Maralngurra at Injalak Art Centre. Photo 2: Shane Simpson talking to Motorbike Paddy. Photo by Robyn Ayres

After receiving well over three thousand requests for help from artists and organisations in 2023, Arts Law supported clients through 2,970 legal issues. This year is on track to blow past that, underscoring both the need for legal advice amongst artists and their awareness of its importance. At the same time, help has never been more urgent, with the cost-of-living squeeze hitting artists, who already earn below minimum wage, particularly hard. 

To meet this surge, Arts Law needs your support. With the End of Financial Year fast approaching, you can donate to help us better help Australian artists and creatives. Donating is seamless through our website and, if done before 1 July, can be claimed as a tax deduction for this financial year. 

It’s tough out there, and artists need our support. We’ve seen a massive increase in demand for our services this year, and we need help to keep up. Your donation, no matter the size, makes a tangible difference to our work on the frontline.

Louise Buckingham, CEO of the Arts Law Centre of Australia

No donation is too small to leave an impact. From our legal advice to outreach trips, free information sheets to advocacy, supporting us means supporting Australia’s painters, musicians, filmmakers, and other artists to gain the recognition and reward they deserve. You can see for yourself how highly our clients rate the experience of speaking with one of our lawyers. 

I’m so grateful for the advice [my lawyer] gave me. As a rookie to the world of music copyright she shed light on the areas I needed to be aware of and gave me a list of action items and contacts. A lot of work obviously went into the assistance she gave me and, again, I’m extremely grateful.

Arts Law Client (hear more clients’ stories)

This End of Financial Year, donate to help change the lives of Australia’s artists.